Create the quadratic PR models (with interactions) of M, G, and V in HiPPO and create the 3D plots of these three metamodels in Matlab.

Problem Set: Metamodeling Polynomial Regression HW3-1: (30 points) For the design problem of the hollowed circular beam (shown below), a. Create a three-level factorial design matrix in HiPPO and map to the real ranges for R = [0.02 to 0.2] m and t = [0.001, 0.01] m. Show your design matrix including both the normalized […]

Explain that the transformation described in part (b) satisfies: if the partition problem has a solution then the sum-of-subsets has a solution, and vice versa.

Let X(1..n) and Y(1..n) contain two lists of n integers, each sorted in nondecreasing order. Give the best (worst-case complexity) algorithm that you can think for finding (a) the largest integer of all 2n combined elements. (b) the second largest integer of all 2n combined elements. (c) the median (or the nth smallest integer) of […]

What is the average rating for all CBC movies? How about ABN movies and BBS movies-Provide a bar chart that compares these averages.

1) Answer the following questions: a) What is the average rating for all CBC movies? How about ABN movies and BBS movies? Provide a bar chart that compares these averages. b) Include a table that shows the descriptive statistics using the data analysis tool pack in Excel for the ratings of the three networks (one […]

Identify the mathematical concept chosen, and briefly describe its real-life application.

Culminating Activity: Characteristics of Functions(Trigonometric Functions) Each of these topics has a wide variety of real-life applications. For your culminating activity, your task is to choose a topic from this course, and examine one of its applications in the real world. The topic you choose is up to you, and the application you examine is […]

Describe the end behavior of your function and give a reason for this behavior.

1. Draw a rough sketch of your “roller coaster” ride on a coordinate plane. Note: Be sure to illustrate your x-axis and y-axis scale to identify the length of the ride (x-axis) and the height of the ride (y-axis) you are designing. Make sure your design meets all the criteria listed above. 2. Calculate the […]

Write in your own words a few paragraphs that provide a general strategy for graphing a polynomial function.

Subject: Mathematics Topic: Graph of a polynomial function Paper details: Write in your own words a few paragraphs that provide a general strategy for graphing a polynomial function. Be sure to mention the following: degree, intercepts, end behavior, and turning points.