Provide some examples outside of math class of how you could apply your knowledge of polynomials.

Everyday Polynomials Introduction Let’s Explore! Because a polynomial is only a multi-term algebraic expression, it’s not as difficult as it might seem. Polynomials typically have multiple terms, each of which may be a variable, a number, or a combination of both. While some employ polynomials more deliberately, some people use them subconsciously throughout the day. […]

Why do you think most Americans do not currently consume diets that match the recommendations presented in the Dietary Guidelines?

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1)Why do you think most Americans do not currently consume diets that match the recommendations presented in the Dietary Guidelines? (100 words) 2)Which food or foods fall into two of the five food groups represented in MyPlate?  see below for the link to (100 words) 3)Describe a feature in Word. […]