How does Raymond Williams understand culture in general and pop culture, in particular?

Popular Culture The Functionalist approach sees pop culture as a potentially unifying social force. From this perspective, people are seen as coming together around their appreciation for pop culture. We take part in collective “rituals” which produce a kind of collective joy and unity (“collective effervescence”) that is necessary for solidarity in societies that are […]

Select a place that you are familiar with and conduct a cultural landscape analysis of that place.

Background: Watch the video, What do landscapes tell us about our culture, located within the Popular Culture section of Module 1. This video discusses four ways we can interpret the material culture of our landscapes: – the history of who occupied and worked the land – the ethnic signatures on the landscape – the contemporary […]

Write your opinion in a friendly way, not a formal way. Write your opinion like the way you talk with other students in the class.

Subject: Communication Symbolism & Propaganda in Popular Culture Part A watch the provided video in its entirety and then write your opinions about how it relates to the class topic(s) and how it is (or isn’t) relevant given the challenges we are facing in today’s historical moment. Write your opinion in a friendly way, not […]

What is popular right now in movies, magazines, blogs, videos, and music? Focus on a few key concepts you can identify in a specific popular movie

Lesson 9 Blog Entry We are working on the concept of popular culture. Let’s get started by exploring the notion of what is popular today – here a few guiding questions. 1. What is popular right now in movies, magazines, blogs, videos, and music? Focus on a few key concepts you can identify in a […]

What are the intrinsic and extrinsic variables that are attributed to low academic performance of African American student-athletes?

African American Studies (Sports) -“The Uneven View of African American Ballers” In a minimum of two pages in essay format, answer the following questions: 1.) First Impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting? 2.) Essential Message 3.) What are the intrinsic and extrinsic variables that are […]