Explore the theoretical basis and current research understandings of one of the topics discussed on this unit

Topic: prepare a 3,150 word portfolio that (part 1) explores the theoretical basis and current research understandings of one of the topics discussed on this unit and (part 2) identifies a strategy aimed at enhancing effectiveness of a high performance coaching environment

Demonstrate the ability to locate and review relevant research, data and either policy or media documents

Complete each element of the portfolio Demonstrate the ability to locate and review relevant research, data and either policy or media documents Propose an appropriate question and method for the collection of primary data

Give an overview of each “survey”, and diagnosis, prognosis and remedial recommendations for each of the 3 defects with regard to the RICS Building Pathology competency at Level 3 (Giving Client Advice).

Description You are required to produce an A4 portfolio containing work you have observed, which specifically includes: A. An annotated photographic schedule and hand sketches of 3 types of ‘Structural’ and/ or “Fabric” defects (i.e. not services etc). Defects addressed should be those observed during your own inspections of selected buildings. Other useful information MUST […]

What did you find out that surprised you or challenged your assumptions about yourself and entrepreneurship?Discuss

Description Write 2x 500 words (1000 words max )2 of the learning logs should be based on your independent learning activities. For example, select two out of the ten self-directed learning you undertake as the basis to write the reflective learning logs. I will send the detail of the 10 later as well as the […]

Define the normal linear Value-at-Risk (VaR) model and apply the model to calculate the 1% 10-day total systematic VaR for this portfolio. Interpret your result and discuss how it changes with the holding period and significance level.

Consider a UK fund currently holding an international equity portfolio with the following characteristics: £1m invested in UK stocks in the FTSE 100 index, with a % portfolio beta relative to the FTSE 100 of 1.5 £2m invested in European stocks in the STOXX 50 index, with a % portfolio beta relative to the STOXX50 […]

What is the difference in the mean return between the first and second quarter?Discuss

1. Violating which of the classical linear regression model assumption will lead to a biased OLS estimator? [1] 2. In a system of equations given below, Y’s are endogenous while X’s are exogenous. Which of the equation is just identified? Explain. [2] 3. State one advantage of using a Vector Autoregression (VAR) model. [1] 4. […]

Identify one portfolio review you would like to attend from the list below. Explain why this review appeals to you.

1. Imagine yourself to be a budding photographer. Identify one portfolio review you would like to attend from the list below. Explain why this review appeals to you. Don’t base your decision on location.Look at the list of reviewers for this particular portfolio review. Identify one reviewer you would be especially interested in meeting, and […]

Explain how the US Dept. of Energy aligns their business objectives, budget, and resources within their IT portfolio.

Description Assignment: After analyzing the guidelines for contributions to an IT Portfolio for the US Department of Energy, write a 2-3 page analysis identifying key issues, driving forces, and critical requirements in this approach to IT portfolio management. 1)Explain how the US Dept. of Energy aligns their business objectives, budget, and resources within their IT […]

Discuss What are some of the ethical issues in this case? What do you recommend? Is Mrs. Dowd able to understand and appreciate her actions with the male resident? Does the staff have an obligation to intervene to protect Mrs. Dowd? Or at the request of Mr. Dowd? If Mrs. Dowd was capable (competent), would the responsibility of the LTC home staff remain the same?

Case scenario: After seven years of being cared for at home for progressive Alzheimer’s disease operated by your organization, Mrs. Dowd has been admitted to a LTC home, also part of your corporate portfolio. Upon visiting his wife one day, Mr. Dowd finds her walking hand-in-hand with a male resident. Staff report Mrs. Dowd has […]