What other stereotype-resistant commercials have you observed?

Questions to Consider 1. In addition to racial, ethnic, and gender stereotyping, what other kinds of stereotypes have you seen in the media? How do frequent portrayals of such stereotypes affect people’s perceptions of their veracity? 2. Choose one weeknight and one weekend night to watch television news during prime time. Describe the race, sex, […]

How do these portrayals contradict and/or support existing popular narratives or ideas about the group(s) in question?

1) Watch the video to get started on a different foot: TedTalk: The Danger of a Single Story 2) Watch the approved documentaries 3) Respond accordingly: How are race and/or ethnic relations in the US represented in the documentary? How does race and/or ethnicity intersect with other positions (i.e., gender, class, nationality, etc.)? How do […]