Critically elaborate the theories of ethics as discussed by the author

Business Ethics Read the article entitled “Ethics and Social Responsibility in Justice Decision Making”, José Poças Rascão, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal, International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making Volume 1 • Issue 2 • July-December 2019. Available in SDL and answer the following questions: Discuss the evolution of the ethical concept (4 Marks). […]

.Discuss the evolution of the ethical concept

The content is available for free download in knowledge resource from the SEU homepage: Read the article entitled “Ethics and Social Responsibility in Justice Decision Making”, José Poças Rascão, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal, International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making Volume 1 Available in SDL and answer the following questions: 1.Discuss the evolution […]

What are the different methods how stablecoins achieve their stability?

Defining DeFi – Visualize the “DeFi stack” in a nice slide: What are the elements and layers of DeFi and how are they related to each other? – What main categories of DApps are there and how do they relate? 2nd. Which stablecoin are you most likely to use to park your funds and why? […]

How can countries succeed in debt management; what are the strategies that could control public debt at a desirable level?

Evaluate Financial Crisis, Debt Management, and Debt Prevention For this assignment: Reflect on the factors that contribute to public and private debt; what are the main determinants of foreign debt? Provide some data on the debt structure (share of public and private debt) of crisis economies (like Greece, Spain, Portugal). Compare debt structure of emerging […]

What were the legacies of the conflict inside Brazil? How were veterans treated-Why did Brazil refuse to contribute troops for the military occupation?

STAGE 2: Brasil in WWII History 465 Assignments Stage 1: Instructions The topic will be Brasil’s role in the conflict (WWII) is frequently overlooked in terms of the BEF. You may want to focus on questions of foreign policy. The 3rd Reich had a concept of “southern cone” strategy that failed in its ability to […]