Why start with the Puritans, and not with Native American oratory or the journals of Spanish or Portuguese explorers?

Literary Analysis 1 Volume a https://uerjundergradslit.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/the-norton-anthology-of-american-literature-9th-edition-volumes-a-b.pdf volume b https://uerjundergradslit.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/the-norton-anthology-of-american-literature-9th-eidtion-volumes-c-d-e.pdf •Using the links above for the readings: Do not use any other sources! “Beginnings to 1820” (pages 3-25) • John Winthrop (pages 176-178) “A Model of Christian Charity” (pages 178-189) • Anne Bradstreet Bio (pages 217-219) “The Prologue” (pages 219-220) “The Author to Her Book” (page […]

How does your object relate to other works of art? Is it copying another style or type of object-Are there other objects-styles that were inspired by it?

Object -Inlaid Box for the Portuguese Market Students will write a 1000-word (not counting the contents of the footnotes) paper on the meaning and significance of their object both in the past and to the field of art history. -What has been written about your object? What are the arguments? Who are the scholars who […]