What is the history of the exclusionary rule? b. Give me the pros-cons of having the exclusionary rule-In other words should we have it?

Below are the three questions. To submit your paper, draft up your answer and then submit it through the “Quiz” section. Submit all three answers at the same time. 1. a. What is the history of the exclusionary rule? b. Give me the pros and cons of having the exclusionary rule. In other words should […]

Provide an analysis of how your current-past organization administrative assistant in the military or a small business, ask if you need other options has managed the careers of its employees.

What you as an HRM can do about helping employees manage their careers. Provide an analysis of how your current or past organization administrative assistant in the military or a small business, ask if you need other options has managed the careers of its employees. Finally, provide an analysis of how your organization can improve […]

Would it be proper to deny a transgendered person the ability to fight against other people who belong to the newly re-assigned sex?

https://youtu.be/2ps1d7PSUVA Would it be proper to deny a transgendered person the ability to fight against other people who belong to the newly re-assigned sex? Does it make a difference that the case in the video involves a male to female transgendered person who now competes in rather violent sport of mixed martial Arts? Does such […]

Describe what makes you an outstanding applicant-describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course.

Statement of purpose Tell us why you are interested in the MSc Finance course at Abc and how the course will impact on your future Describe what makes you an outstanding applicant and describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course.

Describe how learning about these concepts contributed to a deeper or broader understanding

1. Reflect on a personal or professional experience that involved you as an individual employee or in your professional position that resonates with two of the following topics covered in Module 3: o Leadership o Power and Politics o Organizational Culture o Organizational Change 2. Reference and cite the particular OB concepts related to these […]

What differences do you notice between the two reforms? (two to five sentences)

Critique 2 1. First, read the highlights from the report produced by the Center for Court Innovation. While it is not necessary, you can use the same link to read the full report (versus the highlights summary). 2. Then, draft a one-pager that will accomplish the following: ● In your own words, summarize the focal […]

What potential ethical issues will you face and how will you structure your study to eliminate or manage them?

This assignment should have three distinct sections: I. Introduction & Problem Statement You’ve been working on your problem statement in other assignments for this class. Using the feedback you’ve received and including the following information, create a final problem statement that fully describes your topic, offers any necessary definitions for understanding your topic, and the […]

Do you feel that your employer or a potential employer, school, local or national law enforcement, or any other powerful person or organization should be able to access your private information without your knowledge or consent?

Do research to find out who can see your private information on social media without your consent. Do you feel that your employer or a potential employer, school, local or national law enforcement, or any other powerful person or organization should be able to access your private information without your knowledge or consent? Why or […]

What type of services are provided by those resources, and why did you select them?

Write an SBAR Note to summarize Ms. Oxendine’s current health state for the report to the nurse receiving the patient on the inpatient unit. 2. Consider Ms. Oxendine’s potential healthcare needs for discharge. Include the following in your 1-2 paragraph response: If Ms. Oxendine resided in your community, would appropriate services be available for her? […]

Identify any remaining “gaps” in the data or existing research that might be necessary to make the strongest case possible for your proposed venture/project .

Identify any remaining “gaps” in the data or existing research that might be necessary to make the strongest case possible for your proposed potential/project . What information is needed, but not present in the existing literature, that would provide the missing link for getting a green light for your proposed venture/project? Prepare a 750-word narrative […]