Explain Consider also the responsibilities that maintaining “peace” requires. How do you think a country with the power that Rhodes and Roosevelt describe (say the U.S. today) should exercise its power?

Reflective Essay Question: Cecil Rhodes and Theodore Roosevelt argued that the expanded influence of their respective nations, Great Britain and the United States, would lead to world peace. The expansion of their influence, however, would necessarily require the use of military force. This seeming contradiction did not bother Rhodes and Roosevelt, who believed that it […]

What sort of people and institutions might acquire special economic and political power because of technological change?

What is the problem for which this technology is the solution? Whose problem is it? Which people and what institutions might be most seriously harmed by a technological solution? What new problems might be created because we have solved this problem? What sort of people and institutions might acquire special economic and political power because […]

Who has access to agendas, control over information, knowledge of procedures, ability to cope with uncertainty, etc.?Explain.

Lens Four: Reviewing the Political Theories [CONGRESS] Use the following questions to describe, in a summative-narrative fashion, what the power/influence realities of your organization looks like. Your summary is to be 3–5 pages, include 3–5 references (this can include your textbook), have a title and reference page, and be formatted according to current APA style […]

Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of prosecutors.

Discussion 1: Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of prosecutors. Discussion 2: Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? […]

Explain the impact of a tri-racial system on societal perceptions of race and ethnicity. Provide specific examples.

Explain the impact of a tri-racial system on societal perceptions of race and ethnicity. Provide specific examples. Separately analyze the impact of race, power, and wealth on people’s perceptions of social class. Provide specific examples for each. Explain which you believe has the greatest influence on people’s perceptions of social class and justify your response. […]

Discuss,Is China an ascending world power? What options does the rest of the world have in trying to confront China’s growing influence in the international system?

Topic: Is China an ascending world power? What options does the rest of the world have in trying to confront China’s growing influence in the international system? Paper details: International Relations No conclusion needed, need to use realism, constructivism and liberalism to explain topic

Describe how at least 3 different actors in a courtroom exercise discretion and discuss how that power can be abused.

Instructions In Chapter 5, you learned the critical role that discretion plays in the criminal justice system. Prosecutors have the power to exercise wide latitude with their decisions regarding whether or not to charge a person with a crime and judges have the power to determine whether or not bail will be set and at […]

Select a specific power tactic how it was used in a particular situation toward a supervisor. Provide background, expected outcomes, actual outcome or result. Did it either accelerate or decline the probability of achieving its goal. Based on the outcome, would you choose a different tactic today and if so, explain your reasoning.

Power tactics are used toward superiors, peers, and subordinates. Select a specific power tactic how it was used in a particular situation toward a supervisor. Provide background, expected outcomes, actual outcome or result. Did it either accelerate or decline the probability of achieving its goal. Based on the outcome, would you choose a different tactic […]