Are there any self-employment taxes on the income and any loss limitations associated with it?

Acct Powerpoint Your presentation will be structured as a response to a “client question”. You will develop a presentation to answer this question. Topic is Partnership Contributions) client senario: Client A, B and C would like to form a limited partnership with each partner owning 1/3 of the partnership. The partnership has taken a loan […]

Explain how leadership skills can be used to encourage innovation to improve the company.

Complete an “Extended” Executive Summary of 1000-1250 words. Extended in that you must offer detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis. The intent here is to allow you enough opportunity to prove your grasp of the tools and concepts. Some concepts include Internal factor evaluation, SWOT analysis, projected financial statements, etc. The […]

What strengths do you bring to your team (e.g., planning, Excel, PowerPoint, communication, delivering a presentation)?

Team work The discussion this week will be with other members of your semester project team. You can use your post to introduce yourself as well as answer the questions below. If you don’t know who is in your team you can look on the People tab in Canvas. First, view this short teamworking motivational […]

What does its business model look like compared to traditional competitors in the industry?

Present an analysis of a disruptive business Assessment instructions What you need To complete this assessment task, you’ll need to choose any one of the following organisations: • Tesla Task Present an analysis of a disruptive business. Drawing on the information from the case studies and other sources you identify, prepare a Powerpoint slide deck […]

How could the stage-gate process slow down innovation-Is the stage-gate process more conducive to an incremental or discontinuous innovation?

MBA580 In Milestone One, you recommended an innovation option (incremental or discontinuous) to the organization from the course scenario. Now that senior management of the company has approved your recommendation, your task is to find an efficient process for your cross-functional team to follow during the development of your innovation. Remember that your perspective is […]

Provide the results of your evaluation on reinforcement, and include the effectiveness of methods used in modifying behavior.

Reinforcement is used to strengthen a behavior and increase the chances the desired behavior will continue in the future. The way in which reinforcement is used can differ from situation to situation, and may depend on the desired behavior. This assignment has you work with your team to determine how reinforcement, both positive and negative, […]

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final recommendations for the company’s change management strategies.

mgmt619 powerpoint Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final recommendations for the company’s change management strategies. The presentation should have an introduction slide, as well as a reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation. There should be a minimum of 10 slides that briefly covers the content of the strategy manual. APA citing. […]

Identify and explain at least three research questions relating to the specific services offered to your agency’s client population

For students who are placed at an agency on-site or completing work remotely:Begin research on this agency. Present a detailed outline in PowerPoint of the major topics you will address in your in final project. Identify and explain at least three research questions relating to the specific services offered to your agency’s client population, identify […]

Give the final part of your project is to deliver a presentation on your new idea to your boss and senior leadership.

coke cola company You have all the research from your weekly submissions and now all you have to do is create a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over on your research.Your presentation should be at a minimum, six slides and include approximately 4–6 bullets per slide. Be sure to include a reference slide to show your research, […]