What was the structure of government set up by the Articles of Confederation (i.e., how many “branches” of government were there); what powers did the Congress have?  What three (these have to be exact) important powers did it lack?  Why do you think the framers of the Articles not want to give Congress these powers?  What THREE important pieces of legislation did it pass concerning sale and settlement of western lands?  How did the weakness of the Articles affect the economy?  What do YOU think was the greatest weakness of the Articles of Confederation and why?

The following is Unit 2, Question 3 and is to be fully discussed by each member of Group 3.  To post your discussion, you will click on the “Reply” section directly under the question.   Then, you will reply/respond to a full discussion posted by a student in Group 2; they will be answering Question #2.  […]

What is at least one informal power (do not use the same informal power for each of the issues) that you can use to get each policy passed by the legislature?

Congratulations! You have recently been elected the Governor of Texas. You built your successful campaign around promises to address four issues that are significant to the voters of Texas: controlling immigration from Mexico, controlling spending on social programs (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid), making sure the death penalty is applied fairly and improving k-12 education. Please […]

What are the powers or responsibilities of the agency as denoted within the enabling statute? What can or is the agency supposed to do?

Provide the name of the agency you have chosen to research.   “Level” of the Agency At what level of government was this agency created (federal, state, or some other subdivision of government)?   Enabling Law/Statute Provide a citation for the enabling law/statute that created and empowers the agency (e.g., US Code, state statute, municipal […]

Explain.What is the purpose of the concept Seperation of Powers?,What is Federalism??

Address the following in 600-900- words: 1) Describe the 3 branches of the U.S. Federal Government Explain the role of the Legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Why are there 3 branches of Government?? Explain. 2) What is the purpose of the concept Seperation of Powers?? Explain. # What is Federalism?? Explain. 3) How does this […]