If you were the practitioner-how would you have acted differently?

Homework 1: ONC Interoperability Training Course: Interoperability Basics Training Give a specific example from a story mentioned during the training of how an EHR either benefited or compromised a patient’s health access. If you were the practitioner, how would you have acted differently? https://www.healthit.gov/topic/interoperability-training-courses

How much time will they spend with you? Will they allow you to observe them in a treatment session-Will you visit them once or can you meet with them several times?

You will be required to submit a 1-page summary discussing the process of researching CIM(complementary and integrative medicine.) practitioners in your area, reaching out to them, and reporting on who you were able to make contact with. What was your initial impression of the practitioner you will be interviewing? Be sure to include what your […]

What can you as a nurse practitioner-nurse leader do to influence policy innovation to resolve the problem?

Week 5 discussion Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/ , and select a county and a state (this may be the county/state in which you reside, attend school, or plan to live and work as an APRN). After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the County Health […]

When you made your decision to pursue training as a Family Nurse Practitioner, how did pediatrics factor in your thinking? Is the opportunity to work with children and adolescents a strong motivator, or does it rank for you as more of a concern?Discuss

Description Primary care of children from newborns to those on the cusp of adulthood requires considerable knowledge, as well as the finesse to manage parents and families of all types, and the changing needs, attitudes, and independence of young people as they grow and mature. Considering that this week—in fact, this entire first module—is focused […]

. What gives you PAUSE after reading the assigned articles? Why? Do you think that the academic world needs to catch up to the practitioner world? How? Why?

Description Probably, most of your BPSA program has relied on concepts relating to ICS and NIMS (in one way or another). What gives you PAUSE after reading the assigned articles? Why? Do you think that the academic world needs to catch up to the practitioner world? How? Why?

Discuss the importance of communication skills when caring for service users who are in distress or who have severe barriers to communication due to ill health as a result of physical/mental health conditions or bereavement.

Learning outcomes to be assessed Explore the various factors that can influence and contribute to the development of the Assistant Practitioner role in different work settings. Discuss the importance of communication skills when caring for service users who are in distress or who have severe barriers to communication due to ill health as a result […]