Write a paragraph explaining the value of this course to you and if you didn’t think it was valuable explain why it isn’t don’t worry it won’t be used against you.

Course Reflection: Wildland ecology For this assignment, you will reflect on what you learned in this course and the value it has in your life. You are not to look at any course materials when you complete this assignment. A. Create a bullet list of the CONCEPTS you learned in this course. The bullet points […]

How the abiotic factor you chose can affect the physiology of the organism.

Gastropoda The topic needs to be much more focused. You must pick a SINGLE SPECIES of gastropod, and a SINGLE ABIOTIC PARAMETER that can affect them to discuss. Topic : Gastropoda –strictly on sea snails. The focus of the presentation and paper is to give a brief description of the specific organism (species, or if […]

How was breeding and selection of animals for particular traits and talents part of the evolving process of domestication?

Description Answer the following 2 questions separately 1 page each only using the attached materials below with your own ideas, • How was breeding and selection of animals for particular traits and talents part of the evolving process of domestication? How did it add value to cattle? In what way was pure breeding and livestock […]