Does this story have any weak points-What do you think is missing in the story or needs to be developed better?

OPTION 6: Personal Reflection Write a personal reflection on the book. Questions to consider: · Why is this a favorite book of yours? Explain your reasons. · What did you learn from reading this book? · How do you relate to the story? Do you relate to any of the characters in particular? · How […]

Discuss why you think your 2 selected predictions are either valid-invalid-What additional predictions might you add to the list?

NOTE: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: NOTE: Read “Privacy in 2025: Experts’ Predictions.” Read through the various expert predictions regarding the potential state of privacy in 2025. Select 1 prediction that you think is most likely to be accurate and 1 prediction that you do not think will come to […]

What additional point would you like your classmate to consider about making future predictions?

The percent of sales method is based on historical information. Address the following in a substantive post: Considering the turbulence of the first part of this century (wars, food and fuel shortages, and so on), is looking to the past the best way to predict the future? Why or why not? Respond substantively to at […]

How do you think the business will perform in the future if it continues operating as it is currently?

Business entrepreneurship Assessment Brief: Write a report on a REAL case study business covering the following points: Entrepreneurial Analysis – How entrepreneurial is the business currently? Predictions – How do you think the business will perform in the future if it continues operating as it is currently? Proposals – How could the business be more […]