Do you have any other suggestions on what you would like to implement for the patient’s care?

Real Life RN Maternal Newborn 3.0 – Preeclampsia Discussion/Debrief – minimum 500 words on the following: Reflect on ethical dilemmas uncovered during scenario watching or debriefing. Describe an “Aha” moment experienced during the simulation. What are some of the aspects of the client’s care you didn’t feel prepared for? Do you have any other suggestions […]

Describe how you used at least two tools to measure patient outcomes – Identify the tools

Reflective journal 1 Quality Improvement Discuss the following: An example of how nursing care could be improved with the application of a recognized nursing standard (For example, ANA Standards of Care, AACN Standards of Care – a Google search will help you find these documents) Describe how you used at least two tools to measure […]