Which section, which topics, stand out for you as being important for all pregnant women and families to know?include a quote to illustrate or provide detail on your topic.

Nutritional factors and other things that can affect a prenatal fetus The list of conditions, chemicals, nutritional factors and other things that can affect a prenatal fetus is long and lengthy, in Chapter 3. (1) Which section, which topics, stand out for you as being important for all pregnant women and families to know?include a […]

Describe your proposed program plan in conjunction with theory-Describe the proposed intervention-how you plan to market it.

Nutrition in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers Step 1: Identify your target population and their need. Discuss the community or population and write a statement of the problem. Include any statistics or article information to validate the need. Include how you might collaborate with other agencies or professionals. Step 2: Define your proposed program goals and […]

Evaluate ethical arguments concerning abortion by raising and answering two substantive questions of validity.

Write a 1–2 page paper evaluating ethical arguments concerning abortion by raising and answering two substantive questions of validity. For this assessment, you will continue your survey of ethical principles in health care by exploring issues around abortion. For this assessment, you will explore ethical reasoning on both sides of the issue. Abortion is frequently […]

Identify at least three safety concerns of vulnerable individuals (e.g., children, pregnant woman, individuals in prison) with the implementation of information technology.

Description In responding to your peers, identify at least three safety concerns of vulnerable individuals (e.g., children, pregnant woman, individuals in prison) with the implementation of information technology. Please include a source to support your response. Please refer to order # 1675664409 Please respond to this thread.

s it immoral for a mother to abuse her body when pregnant?Does society have a responsibility to protect the fetus and newborn?Discuss.

The use of harmful substances by pregnant mothers brings up ethical issues that may interest you regarding a pregnant mother’s responsibility to the developing fetus. Consider the Aristotelian basis of morality in which all acts in life are performed for their “goodness,” and that humans must seek to know “the good.” Counter to Aristotle’s view, […]

Explain to her what the risks are for her to continue drinking 2 glasses of wine every night while she is pregnant? Do you think that you should also address other factors like her age, first time pregnancy, etc.? Use your Nurse/health care-Investigator skills and present the facts to her.

For this Check-Up, your patient is a 43-year-old female. She is 4 months pregnant for the first time, and she never expected to get pregnant as she believed herself to be infertile. She has enjoyed 2 glasses of wine each night her entire first trimester because she read a few articles by some renowned international […]

Discuss:Should a pregnant women who consume alcohol or illegal drugs that damage her child be punished as a criminal? Should her child be taken from her? If so, with whom should the child be placed?

Social work course- discussion board- 350 wrds- 3 scholarly sources TOPIC – ****Should a pregnant women who consume alcohol or illegal drugs that damage her child be punished as a criminal? Should her child be taken from her? If so, with whom should the child be placed?