When constructing federal statutes is it proper for a judge to consider anything in the Congressional Record or Congressional Committee reports to see what the lawmakers said about the law before it was signed into law by the President? Why?

Capstone Seminar for BS in Criminal Justice CJBS 415 1. According to Frankfurter’s guidelines for constructing statutes, why should a judge be extremely reluctant to ever declare any law unconstitutional? 2. According to Frankfurter, when constructing federal statutes is it proper for a judge to consider anything in the Congressional Record or Congressional Committee reports […]

Who are the stakeholders that will be affected by your decision, and how will they be affected?

Ethics Writing Assignment 2 Scenario 2 The President has mandated Covid 19 vaccines for organizations employing over 100 employees. Your firm employs well over 100 employees. In this essay, you will write from the perspective of the Chief Operating Officer of your firm. As COO, you are responsible for safety and well-being of your employees. […]

What has your manager violated and what is your likely reaction?

Chapter 9. Foundations of Group Behavior Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned […]

Do you think we should create laws to make it illegal for any candidate running for President of the United States, to enter into “Hush Agreements (Contracts)”, to prevent the public from knowing about his or her past conduct?

Discussion Forum (Opinion) ASSIGNMENT This week and the next few weeks ahead, we will be discussing contracts. Nondisclosure agreements are also known as “Hush Agreements”. They are contracts, where a person agrees to keep quiet, about an organizations or person’s wrongful conduct and private affairs, for a fee (consideration). These agreements are not illegal as […]

What were them most important factors in the U.S. winning the war against the British?

Part one Using our discussion as a starting point, write a reflection on our two questions. Remember to use material from this week’s topic pages. What do you think were the most important factors moving American colonists to seek a change with Britain; beliefs/philosophy, British actions, etc. What were them most important factors in the […]

What safeguards did Congress provide in the law creating magistrate judgeships so that ultimately Article III judges and not magistrate judges are responsible for the overall criminal process?

Week 2 1. Do you feel that allowing District Judges to select magistrate judges is a better process than allowing these judicial officers to be appointed by the President? Explain what benefits you see to such system, or if you disagree explain why a presidential appointment should be the norm. 2. What safeguards did Congress […]

Identify leadership approaches of Abraham Lincoln regarding endeavor and communication that they admire.

This next paper continues the exploration of leadership philosophies through the experiences of Abraham Lincoln. This paper covers the sections referred to as Endeavor and Communication. Reflect on your own experiences where you are or were the decision maker. Do you share the same philosophies as Lincoln? Have your leaders or mentors used these philosophies […]

Which policy would you suggest he adopt and why?

Imagine you are an advisor to the president, and the economy has suddenly tanked. The president has two options: (1) he can try to stimulate the economy by getting ordinary citizens to spend, specifically by sending everyone a check for $1000 (2) he can try to stimulate the economy by getting major corporations to hire […]

Would you propose any changes to the Constitutional powers of the President and/or Congress? If so, explain what changes you would propose.

Presidency View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy: Identify the section you are addressing and then answer the following questions: Compare and contrast the Constitutional powers of the Congress and President in matters of foreign policy. How, and by whom, is the President held accountable in matters of war? Would you […]

Evaluate the relationship between Congress and the President and discuss two (2) reasons why the presidential duties may conflict with the role of Congress. Justify your response with examples.

The Craft of Budgeting”respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, Evaluate the relationship between Congress and the President and discuss two (2) reasons why the presidential duties may conflict with the role of Congress. Justify your response with examples.