How Will Harsher Sentences Affect the Flow of Drugs in the U.S?

D1C Watch the short video titled “How Will Harsher Sentences Affect the Flow of Drugs in the U.S?” This video from addresses Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ order to federal prosecutors across the country to revive some of the toughest practices of the decades-old “war on drugs,” reversing previous administration policies that aimed to […]

what were his purposes and did these run with or against the grain of history?

American Presidency President Barack Obama is choice for the greatest President. In this course we examined, among other things, the powers of and limits on the American presidency, as well as the relationships between the president and other major actors in the political system. And we studied presidential leadership during time of war and crisis. […]

With the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009, do you think the struggle for African American equality is over? Why or why not?

Assignment instructions HIS325s: Discussion: Discuss the current state of racism in the United States and the effect of President Obama’s election. Provide a response to the following question. With the inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2009, do you think the struggle for African American equality is over? Why or why not?