Create standards that will be used to compare your professional chartered chapter to others of the national networking association. State each standard with a goal in mind.

You have just been elected as president of your city’s nationally chartered financial networking organization. The group is a chapter of a national organization that has the following mission statement: “To encourage the profession of finance as a career and to provide a platform that emphasizes and employs high ethical standards within the profession and […]

What are some specific examples that demonstrate how public health benefited from the advocacy provided by nurses?

1. The president and the governor are referred to as the chief administrative or executive officers of the country and state, respectively. Analyze the differences and similarities in the roles and responsibilities of the respective heads of these executive branches. 2. Advocacy and public health nursing intersect in many ways. What are some specific examples […]

What changes should the management of a troubled correctional facility make to keep the employees happy and prevent the public from going against the facility?

Criminal justice administrators must be aware that the public maintains great interest in the operation of their agencies. Particularly when dangerous lawbreakers are involved, mistakes can be costly, and are reported publicly. To what extent does an agency’s dependence on public opinion impede or encourage planned change? What changes should the management of a troubled […]

Create a PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of this evolution.

Assume the role of a networking consultant for Network Solutions Group (NSG). The company has been asked to make a presentation to a high school computer programming club on the evolution of networking topologies. The company president, Hajar, encourages employees to become involved in the community, resulting in the students being tasked with making the […]

Discuss the importance of the following important  dates in the tax history of the United States: 1954, 1939, 1913, 1895,  and 1861?

The assignment below will  assess your knowledge and understanding of legislative and  administrative tax authorities, and your ability to apply that knowledge  to solve problems. You will use CCH IntelliConnect (aka CCH Omnitax or AnswerConnect) exclusively for your tax research for this course (access provided through the Library). Answer  the following homework problems thoroughly and […]

Using the PMT function, calculate the monthly payments the company could expect.

Topic: Week 7 Assignment Note, for WK7 Assignment, upload the MS Excel document with the formulas and functions separately and place the complete MS Excel results (you are to hide all of the address fields and processing fee column and place your MS Excel results in your MS Word Document) in your final MS Word […]

Describe the current nature and extent of the cybercrime problem in the United States.

Government Cybercrime Report For this assignment, you will take on the role of the newly appointed Special Assistant to the President of the United States on issues of cybersecurity for the White House. The President would like you to prepare a detailed report on the current state of challenges facing the United States concerning cybercrime. […]

What role does family planning services like Planned Parenthood have in health care delivery-Can Planned Parenthood perform abortions with federal tax dollars?

Module 1 Chapters 1-5 Wilensky and Teitelbaum Chapter Assignment Chapter 1 and 2 Healthcare Policy and Law 1. Define and describe “police powers,” also known as states’ rights and the Tenth Amendment. Do states have an obligation to provide services if they have the authority? 2. Where is “health” specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? […]