How do you think having Kamala Harris as the first female Vice-president will impact female participation in politics in the future?

Females in Politics Watch the video about Females in Politics(15 minutes) and answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think females make up such a small percentage of individuals in politics? 2. Do you think one day there will be a female President of the United States? Why or why not? 3. How do […]

What individuals, groups,-organizations does it involve? What is your second action?

The President and Crisis Management Today is your presidential Inauguration Day. You were elected as president last November by a slim margin in both the popular vote and the electoral vote. You attended a worship service this morning with your family and about a dozen high-ranking members of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate. […]

Explain how their specific leadership style managed the situation, either effectively or ineffectively.

In 850–1,000 words, choose two United States Presidents and do the following: Analyze their leadership styles. Compare those leadership styles using two of the specific theories discussed in the text. Discuss a single major crisis each president dealt with. Explain how their specific leadership style managed the situation, either effectively or ineffectively.

How many ways are there to choose 3 people to be president, vice-president, and secretary out of 20 people?

Description for which one video is a demonstration of how to calculate factorial, nCr, and nPr on Microsoft Excel. Then, please decide which counting rule or method applies for any of the following problems: 1. How many ways are there to choose 3 people out of 20 people? 2. How many ways are there to […]

Discuss,In your estimation, what was the most significant domestic and foreign affairs challenge that each president faced?

Paper details: In your estimation, what was the most significant domestic and foreign affairs challenge that each president faced? What legacy did each of the first three presidents leave behind for future leaders to follow, respond to, or resolve? In your estimation, which of the first three presidents did the most to cement and chart […]