How will you  engage us in your research-How will you make it interactive?

Topic question “Do people remember products based on the songs that play in commercials?”. Answer the questions below using COMPLETE sentences. What is your proposed topic or question? Through which medium (Prezi, PowerPoint, etc.) are you going to present your project? How will you  engage us in your research? How will you make it interactive? […]

Explain the expected outcome(s) from your program-at least one method you will use to assess the outcome(s).

Adoption For this interactive assignment, you will create a presentation of up to 7-10 minutes in length. You may use any screen-casting and/or presentation software you choose (Power point, Prezi, Thinglink, etc.). Quick-Start Guides are available for Prezi Download Prezi, Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.), and Thinglink Download Thinglinkfor your convenience.) For your presentation […]