Explain how primary care can reduce the burden on the healthcare system

This week you will write a 1-2 page paper about primary care delivery. Your paper should be formatted as follows: 1. Introduction 2. State what primary care is 3. Discuss the importance of primary care 4. Explain how primary care can reduce the burden on the healthcare system 5. Explain how a CHW can support […]

How significant was the evidence in the case and why-What did the evidence tend to indicate?

Each student is required to complete (1) Case Review part of this class. For this assignment you will pick a criminal case of your choosing and write a review of the case. While a brief synopsis of the overall case is expected, the primary focus of this case shall be on the evidence and evidence […]

Does the selected Job Description meet all, most or some (or a %) of the basic requirements found in the text?

Job Description Analysis Compare the characteristics of Practice Manager – Primary & Specialty Care (provided below), content, specificity or generality with the sample job description below. Beyond the comparison, be sure to answer the following: Does the selected Job Description meet all, most or some (or a %) of the basic requirements found in the […]

How does your school system provide special education services to students?

Special Education Service Models Special education professionals provide services to students in many ways, depending on the school system’s approach to special education and student needs. In your post, answer all the following questions: How does your school system provide special education services to students? Which model does your school system mainly use? What strengths […]

What are the similarities among the roles, what are the differences, and how would you communicate the role to a healthcare provider and a consumer?

Primary Care NP Role vs. APN Roles Compare the primary care NP role with other APN roles. What are the similarities among the roles, what are the differences, and how would you communicate the role to a healthcare provider and a consumer?

How accurately does VALS2 describe or explain some of your own consumer behaviors?

Assignment 2 – VALS2 & You: Understanding Yourself as a Consumer Length: 1000+ words. Remember, 1000 words is a minimum. Don’t let it hold you back from writing more than that unless you want the minimal grade. Be thorough and complete. Topic: Take the VALS2 survey at https://tinyurl.com/22w2dh4 Objectives: Using concepts we have studied so […]

Choose a short passage that is interesting to you from the primary readings given.

Choose a short passage that is interesting to you from the primary readings given. Type out the passage and then write TWO discussion questions about that passage to share with the class and/or to develop later in an essay. Be sure to include the page number/s for the passage you’ve selected.  

What does the literature say about the NPs ability to provide primary care?

To what extent is primary care accessible to all populations in this country? Answer the following in your discussion: What are the main barriers to accessing primary care? What is being done to solve this problem? What else can be done? How are NPs making a difference? What does the literature say about the NPs […]