Explain, in your own words, why self-determination is critical for individuals with severe disabilities?

Quiz 1-IDEA List and explain the six major principles of IDEA, then briefly describe how each principal impacts students with severe disabilities. Define self-determination and list the four essential characteristics. Explain, in your own words, why self-determination is critical for individuals with severe disabilities? Define what is meant by full-inclusion based on IDEA guidelines and […]

Identify-describe the most challenging component of your internship and what strategies you have used to overcome those difficulties.

Reflection Identify and describe your most valuable experiences during the first phase of your internship. Identify and describe the most challenging component of your internship and what strategies you have used to overcome those difficulties. Share concerns or roadblocks that exist in your internship, if any. Describe what have you learned about leadership from observing […]

What is the tax liability when they convert the rental condo to a principal residence?

Tax Planning Question: assume no mortgages, 20% capital gains tax rate, 35% ordinary income tax rate, all property held as community property with right of survivorship. John and Joni purchased a single family home in Chico CA in 1990 with a purchase price of $150,000. They lived in the house for two years and sold […]

Examine the legal and policy context of the case and the principal values and issues that you had to consider. Provide examples of the theories and methods that you used and evaluate these. Reflect critically upon the effectiveness of your interventions in the case’.

Description Assignment title CASE ANALYSIS Summative assessment ‘Provide a brief overview of a case from your practice; examine the legal and policy context of the case and the principal values and issues that you had to consider. Provide examples of the theories and methods that you used and evaluate these. Reflect critically upon the effectiveness […]

What is the loan amount for the mortgage problem? What mortgage interest rate can you get? What will be the monthly payment? How much of that is interest and how much is principal repayment in the 1st and 2nd month? 

Mortgage Problem Suppose you are planning to buy a house using a 30 years mortgage financing. Which house would you like to buy? What is its price? If you provide 20% down payment, what will be the approximate amount needed to complete the transaction, including closing costs? How would you set up the timeline for […]