Discuss how prison labor; prison profits; privatization; prison health care, officer conduct; women in prison; and prisoner struggles and rebellions developed the correctional treatment industrial complex.

Assess how the U.S. society approach to solving crime has come to rely upon the use of imprisonment Assess how race and class bias is affecting the crime control model of the criminal justice system Analyze how the American penal system developed into an imprisonment binge. Describe privatization in correctional services. Discuss how prison labor; […]

What factors should be considered by a government in reducing the size of government through privatization?

Responses to the questions should be in essay format. Your answers must show originality, be straight to the point and not be more than 3 double-spaced pages to a question. Distinguish between fixed-ceiling budgeting and open-ended budgeting. Discuss the impetus for budget cutback, the tactics used in dealing with budget shortage, as well as the […]

What bio-monitoring technologies should be admitted as evidence-In what way will such breakthroughs affect interpretation of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution?

  We have covered a lot of issues related to law enforcement in this class from its early evolution to current ethical and legal challenges. As an educated policing scholar, you have been asked to respond to any ONE of the following issues on the future of policing: Prospective employees face a world in which […]

What is structuralism? Explain the coordination problems identified by structuralist theory and the suggested remedies for government intervention.

IPE HW  4 1. What is structuralism? Explain the coordination problems identified by structuralist theory and the suggested remedies for government intervention. 2. Explain the costs and benefits of the two-stage strategy of import substitution industrialization. 3. Were developing countries correct in their assessment that their participation in the global economy under liberalized trade rules […]