Describe the possible options you had in the context of the decision.

Assignment Details Probability is about assessing the chance of something happening while risk is the decision to interact with that uncertainty. We make risky decisions every day based on quick and often intuitive assessments of the probability of negative consequences. Share a decision you made in the last 2 weeks that involved considering the probability […]

What is the value of the investment today-What is the interest on interest earned on this investment?

A company had cash and marketable securities worth $200,000 accounts payables worth $51,000, inventory of $1,501,500, accounts receivables of $5,288,128, short-term notes payable worth $220,000, other current liabilities of 100,000, and other current assets of $121,800. Calculate the company net working capital and describe how managers manage the firm working capital. (2 Marks) Your parents […]

Discuss and compare the probability of the two selected events. Did the results surprise you?

Assignment: Discussion Question: Probability is all around us. For example, you have probably heard the saying, “You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than you have at winning the lottery”, but have you looked at the numbers (statistics) or have you taken their word for it? For the discussion, find the probability […]

Does the amount of time spent on Instagram per day negatively influence a student’s GPAs?”

COM 309 Assignment 9 Hypothesis Testing Q1.Here is a research question: “Does the amount of time spent on Instagram per day negatively influence a student’s GPAs?” Based on the research questions (RQ), formulate a research hypothesis (H1) and its null hypothesis (H0) The statistical analysis we ran to test the hypothesis show p = .04. […]

Discuss:How are theoretical and experimental probability different? Why might the theoretical probability not match the experimental probability? Be sure to cite your sources for the questions that require sources.

Complete the Probability Report Worksheet to guide you in writing your APA report. Be sure to show all work! Complete a 2-page, double-spaced, APA-formatted report. In the report you need to present your findings and explain your conclusions on experimental and theoretical probability. Thoughts to include in the report include: How are theoretical and experimental […]

Discuss the advantages of understanding probabilities when playing dice games. Think of another scenario where probabilities can be used.

How do you play two dice Bunco? What is the probability that the player rolls two distinct numbers different than six or rolls exactly one six (no points or one point)? What is the probability that the player rolls two of the same number but no six, i.e., two 1s, or two 2s, and so […]