What is the problem statement? What other issues do you identify related to this problem? Any other important points to consider?

Updated by BE 08/17/20 Case Study This course requires that you complete ONE case study analyses from the list of four that are below. It is your choice to pick which case you wish to read and discuss. Your goal in completing the analysis is to understand the facts and players involved and problem solve […]

What was the problem? Why was it a problem (i.e., what impact did it have on the results), and how might it be fixed Discuss.

Additional Notes for Report: All proper instructions/briefs are in the document attached. This document also contains a list of references on the last page, please use these references within the report and add 2-4 references of your choice. I have also attached a document with half of the report that is already complete. All that […]

Examine one specific cause of the ​social problem​ you have chosen.

Analyzing a ​Social ProblemLength Requirement​: 1000-1500 words (4-6 pages)Writing Task​: Examine one specific cause of the ​social problem​ you have chosen.In your essay:1. ​Do not include solutions.​ You will address solutions in the final paper of the course.2. Make a clear thesis statement.For example: “A key cause of food waste is retailers’ unreasonable aesthetic criteria […]

Assess and identify a problem you believe this community faces. Think about the challenges you’ve faced since becoming a part of it, and the major difficulties they face as a whole.

Topic: Response/Argument Prompt: What problems does my community face? Paper details: For this essay, you will use your first essay and the community with which you identify. As you reflect further on this community, you will assess and identify a problem you believe this community faces. Think about the challenges you’ve faced since becoming a […]

Could you state the problem and explain it well? Then explain how it should be fixed and what recommendations we can offer. Analyze the problem.

Could you state the problem and explain it well? Then explain how it should be fixed and what recommendations we can offer. Analyze the problem. You will be graded on your ability to provide a thorough critical analysis, the veracity of your argument and recommendation, and the quality of your writing. The position or argument […]

Identify the problem to be addressed by the study.

Begin with “The problem to be addressed by this study is…” This statement should logically flow from the introduction and clearly identify the problem to be addressed by the study. Succinctly discuss the problem and provide evidence of its existence. Identify who is impacted by the problem (e.g., individuals, organizations, industries, or society), Explain what […]

Explain and discuss aspects of the solutions that might work for your area and the aspects that might not work for your area

This paper follows a clear organization construct into sections that each contain multiple paragraphs. Section 1: Introduction Introduce the problem and solution that contains the following: an attention getter, background information to the problem, and then transition to introducing the problem for your focus that leads to a thesis that proposes the solution. Section 2: […]