What are some common misconceptions regarding human communication?

Intercultural communication  Explain what is meant by the statement “In studying other cultures, we do so very of ten from the perspective of our own culture.” Explain how and why communication and culture are linked. Why is it said that much of culture is invisible? Explain what is meant by the phrase “Communication is contextual.” […]

Was there something you were hoping to find in the research process that you did not encounter?

Write a two-page personal reflection on the research you have completed and on the variety of approaches you have encountered. Which article is the most persuasive, which is the most problematic? Explain why. Was there something you were hoping to find in the research process that you did not encounter? Is there a difficulty with […]

What type of structure does Medisys have? Using what you now know about strategy and structure, explain why you think that the product launch at Medisys has been so problematic.

PAPER Week 4 Assignment: What type of structure does Medisys have? Using what you now know about strategy and structure, explain why you think that the product launch at Medisys has been so problematic. (Note: make sure to do the reading on organizational structure!) (1 page)  

Does reader really need to consider this source’s exact wording, at such length? Is there something special that can’t be paraphrased-at least trimmed down?

SOCSCI – Practice: Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting Trouble with Unstylish Source Integration The following issues related to source integration don’t represent wrongful source integration or plagiarism. Instead, they are style issues that detract from the flow, effectiveness, and polish of a written work. Stylistic Problem: ‘Dropped’ or ‘Floating’ or ‘Hanging’ Quotations • A quotation is […]

Identify the antecedent of each pronoun in your paragraph. The antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers.

Post one paragraph from any of your recent writing, and do the following: 1. Identify all pronouns in your paragraph. Remember that pronouns include personal pronouns like “she,” “her,” and “it”; indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “each,” and “all”; and relative pronouns like “that” and “which.” 2. Identify the antecedent of each pronoun in your paragraph. […]