What do our perceptions of ourselves have to do with perseverance-Can our self-perceptions affect us without our awareness?

Write a paper 3–5 page paper that applies self-determination theory and related concepts to a problem related to motivation and performance. Introduction What drives one person to persevere through challenges when others may give up? What do our perceptions of ourselves have to do with perseverance? Can our self-perceptions affect us without our awareness? For […]

Why did you choose that book-What did you find most helpful-What did you find least helpful-What strategies have you tried (or are likely to try) that were suggested by the author?

A self-help book is a “how to” book (even if it doesn’t have that in the title). For instance, book topics on how to overcome procrastination, how to mend a broken heart (there’s actually a book with this title), how to navigate through depression without medication, how to leave a toxic relationship, how to thrive […]

Explain how this goal matches your values and priorities using a Next, continue to break this long-term goal down into a “SMART Goal” which you can accomplish by the end of the semester. Finally, identify one small single step that you can accomplish in the next 24 hours that will get you started toward accomplishing your goals. Describe why you may procrastinate accomplishing this goal and strategies to overcome this procrastination.

Develop a Long-Term Goal which you can hope to accomplish in the next 1-2 years. Explain how this goal matches your values and priorities using a Next, continue to break this long-term goal down into a “SMART Goal” which you can accomplish by the end of the semester. Finally, identify one small single step that […]