How can the firm successfully integrate the new product into their existing operations?

For EACH category you have chosen, provide at minimum three (3) specific warehousing issues and a solution for each issue. The solutions should be in paragraph form and clearly explain in detail what your solution is along with realistic actions to be implemented to be successful. Grocery Stores Large grocery stores typically have thousands of […]

What intermediaries do you think are used in bringing this product to market?

Identify one or more circumstances when a company might wish to delay introducing its product. What factors will (or should) influence a firm’s pricing strategy? Pick a product you know well. What intermediaries do you think are used in bringing this product to market? What valuable services do you think these intermediaries provide? What marketing […]

What are some of the likely changes agile development requires in managing development personnel?

Managing the New Product Development Process What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the agile development process? How is agile development similar to or different from (a) the stage-gate process and (b) the parallel development process described in the chapter? What are some of the likely changes agile development requires in managing development […]

What was your most interesting discovery or takeaway from the video?

2.2 – Learn & Earn (LinkedIn Learning) Review the following LinkedIn Learning resource: Project Management Simplified (LinkedIn Learning/1:44)Links to an external site. Note: If you have difficulty accessing the LinkedIn Learning resources,access the LinkedIn Learning page (Hunt Library)  Links to an external site.and search for Project Management Simplified. Why learn about project management in a marketing […]

What is the environment of the marketing simulation in which you are participating?

In the world of marketing, two specific environments exist: business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). What are the two primary differences in these environments? Give an example of a company engaged in each environment and describe the primary product being marketed in each. What is the environment of the marketing simulation in which you are participating? […]