Who and where is the target audience? Explain demographics, lifestyle, consumption patterns, etc. Characterize the marketplace.

In this project, you are required to evaluate one of the websites below based on what you learn from this course and your perspective. The evaluation will cover the different aspects of ECommerce such as business idea, website design, marketing, security … etc. You will need to analyze the business and provide suggestions to improve […]

Describe the role of either ‘personal selling’ or ‘sales promotion’ in relation to this product/service.

Consider any product or service, describe it, and respond to the following questions regarding it. 1. Find what Integrated Marketing Communication methods are being used by the marketers of that product/service. Summarize 3 main IMC methods including 1 that must specifically be a form of advertising. 2. Are these effective, in your opinion? If yes, […]

Compare and contrast the life cycle impacts of your two products/services-What are the environmental ‘hotspots’?

Contemporary Challenges Questions 1. Select two similar products/services. Justify your choice on sustainability grounds. For this re-assessment, you cannot choose the same products/services you examined in your first attempt. 2. Compare and contrast the life cycle impacts of your two products/services. What are the environmental ‘hotspots’? 3. Focus on one of the two products/services. Analyse […]

Describe how the company will receive feedback about the product or service?

Controlling and Leading Continue adding to your previous parts of the project per your template and write an essay of at least 300 words. In your essay, include two (2) new scholarly resources not previously used and address the following: Describe how your leadership style will be instrumental in launching your new idea. (This is […]

Identify the specific benefits they would derive from investing in your business.

Benefits of writing a Business Plan Explain the benefits of writing your business plan. Will you produce a product, deliver a service, or something else? If your classmates were investors, identify the specific benefits they would derive from investing in your business. Will be producing a product

What factors influence the demand for this product-What factors influence the supply of this product?

Pick a Product or services you use in everyday life and describe the market for this product. Address the following questions as well: What factors influence the demand for this product? What factors influence the supply of this product? How have these changes in supply and demand affected the equilibrium price of this product? Do […]

How will you distribute the product-How could the consumer be convinced to purchase the product?

MLA 3 paragraphs 4 to 6 sentences each Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to analyze marketing options that support growing businesses. Directions: Complete the discussion for Parts A and B. Part A-Initial Post THE MARKETING OPPORTUNITY Suppose your roommate just invented an electronic pencil that senses when a word being written is misspelled, […]

Why do you want to market this product to that target market in that physical environment?

Review of Initial Marketing Plan Develop the initial outline of your Complete Marketing Plan. Use Chapter 17 as a guide. What do you want to market? What is your target market? Where do you want to market your product? Why do you want to market this product to that target market in that physical environment? […]