What major trends and developments are retailers facing-How do these developments impact their competitive strategies?

Retailing and wholesaling consist of many organizations bringing goods and services from the point of production to the point of use. We will examine the nature and importance of retailing, the major types of retailers, the decisions retailers make, and the future of retailing. We will also examine these same topics for wholesaling Answer the […]

Why would marginal productivity decline after a certain level of production? How can this problem of diminishing returns or marginal productivity be reduced or removed?

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 7 of the textbook. Sarah owns a bakery that has four ovens, one full-time exempt administrative employee, and eight part-time hourly bakers. Based on this information, respond to the following: Distinguish between the short run and the long run. What will differentiate the short run […]

What type of connection would Keller conclude that the customer has achieved with the brand?

Strategic Marketing Management Assignment Brands and Brand Equity Part 2 of HW 1 Quiz Q1. Brands serve which following purpose? They are a means of achieving emotional engagement with consumers. They are markers to express social identities. They are a means of differentiating products from one another. All of the answers are correct. Q2. A […]

Explain what the symbols are-how their usage affects the overall production.

Media Analysis For this media analysis, you will analyze how one part affects the whole media production.Note that you should select only a single piece of media; you should not be discussing more than one film, for example. You should choose one1 of the following parts to explore:Genre: Explain how the production you chose fits […]

What four functions does the master production schedule (MPS) perform in the production planning system?

Logi1020- Homework 3 1. What four functions does the master production schedule (MPS) perform in the production planning system? 2. What functions does the MPS perform between sales and production? 3. What is the purpose of a rough-cut capacity plan? 4. At what level should master production scheduling take place? a) In a make-to-stock environment? […]

What is the difference between a material resource-a tool/technological resource?

Logi1020: Homework 1 1. What is your understanding of what is material management? 2. What is a material resource in production or manufacturing? 3. Define RESOURCES and give 5 examples of resources? 4. What is the difference between a material resource and a tool/technological resource? 5. Give 3 examples of material resource and 3 examples […]

What inputs might you include in the production function? Which would be the variable inputs-which the fixed inputs?

Medical Care Production and costs Assignments 1. Suppose you are to specify a short-run production function for dental services. What inputs might you include in the production function? Which would be the variable inputs and which the fixed inputs? 2. In your own words, explain the law of diminishing marginal productivity. Be sure to mention […]

Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from microeconomics theory on Choice under Uncertainty.

Intermediate Microeconomics 1. How do rational individuals decide what to buy? a) Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from microeconomics theory on Rational Consumer Choice. b) Why might optimal choices vary between individuals? c) Why might optimal choices change over time? With respect to parts b) and c), provide interesting illustrative […]

How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company using the snack food company scenario-the company of your choice? 

BUSINESS 599 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTION How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company using the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice? Prepare A brief description of your business (Sweet Relish Snacks), what you do, what products or services you are selling- a […]