Did the direction the group took in terms of completing the task align with how you thought the task should be completed? Why or why not?

Group Leadership Discussion Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. What was it you were supposed to do, a project, an activity, plan an event, solve a problem, etc.? Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Why do you think this was so? Were you […]

Why do you think she does so? Is this a productive way of organizing her essay? Why or why not-Does it reflect any of the rhetorical appeals?

Discussion 2 As you read “The Last Straw,” you were asked to pay attention to any unusual or surprising elements of the essay’s content or format. Note that Wong uses a numbered list, bullet points and includes Tweets in her essay. Why do you think she does so? Is this a productive way of organizing […]

What the leader should have done differently to lead more effectively and provide you reasoning for why the course of action suggested by you would have been more effective

Bad Leader experience Think of a specific situation in which you were working with someone who was in a leadership position over you and that person was doing something that was wrong for you. This person might have been a coach, teacher, team leader, employer, immediate boss, family member, or anyone who had a leadership […]

Why do some organizations fail but become stronger while others fail to recover?

Discussion post 1 &2 week 6 Sometimes things go wrong and it’s not always a bad thing. Define and discuss the concept of productive failure. Discuss a time in your organization’s history (or an organization you are familiar with) when a change process failed. Explain the situation and what was learned in the process. Why […]

How does employee motivation, or the ability of healthcare managers to motivate employees, contribute to overall performance at the individual and organizational levels?

week 3 discussion question Part 1 A happy employee is a productive employee, right? Maybe. Maybe not. Can a leader really motivate an employee or can the manager only create the environment for the employee to be motivated? Substantiate your post using at least one research article. part 2 How does employee motivation, or the […]

Discuss the relationship between events within your generation versus your researched generation.

Identify the generation you fall into generation consider your own expectations and beliefs. Do they align with what our content suggests about the characteristics of your identified generational group? Research one generation that differs from your identification and shares some of the events that have shaped this generation, including their beliefs and behaviors. Discuss the […]