Explain what the observation and the hypothesis are in the story or myth.

Analyze Myth Assignment There are several definitions of the word myth. One usage is synonymous with “misconception”.Find a myth or story that contains an observation and hypothesis. Explain what the observation and the hypothesis are in the story or myth. Give the correct hypothesis if the one in the story or myth is incorrect. Also […]

Discuss Who was Prometheus, and what did he do to make Zeus so mad at him? Think about Prometheus’ “crime” and Zeus’ response-put yourself in their place-would you do anything differently-or are the Gods, like us, just subject to Fate?

Ok, so you’re enrolled in the course World Belief Systems: Prometheus Unbound: The Advent of Artificial Intelligence! Being the good students you are-I’m sure you’ve already looked up the reference to Prometheus Unbound? Who was Prometheus, and what did he do to make Zeus so mad at him? Think about Prometheus’ “crime” and Zeus’ response-put […]