How can we know if a view we attribute to others is a good representation of their view or simply a straw man argument of an opposing view?

1.In what ways, if any, has the definition of “family” changed over time? Is your assessment based on knowledge of empirical facts, or on personal assessments related to familiar societal anecdotes? What is your own view of the term family? How do you think this differs from other commonly held views of the concept? How […]

Is this main result statistically significant at the 5% significance level? Why? Why not?

OLS regression- authoritarian governments engage in propaganda Are you able to answer the following 6 questions based on the table: Based on the table, what is the dependent variable? Based on the table, what is the independent variable? Based on the table, what are the control variables? If possible, write down a formula of the […]

How the Ptolemies used the religion and the Egyptian priests for their propaganda in Egypt during their reign in Egypt.

Ptolemaic era in Egypt How the Ptolemies used the religion and the Egyptian priests for their propaganda in Egypt during their reign in Egypt. Discuss the Ptolemaic Decrees as a evidence how they presented the Egyptian dieties the Egyptian aspects throughout the Stelae

Describe how selective influence theory employs propaganda to derive positive-negative societal changes.

Technology is a part of society today in all areas of life. In most workplaces there is telecommuting and video conferencing, education at all levels has gone to more online curriculum, and in life, social media and general media are sources of information and support for many. In this assignment you will look at an […]

Describe a communication example that you have seen that is best described as propaganda.

CASE ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment, review the basic concepts of persuasion discussed in Cialdini   and McLean. Make sure you are clear on the distinction between argument, persuasion, and propaganda. Once you have finished reviewing the background materials, think about communication that you receive in your daily life that is intended to sway your attitudes, […]

Identify the five filters of Chomsky and Herman’s Propaganda Model. Be sure to briefly explain how each of these filters work by connecting them to an example (either from the clip or elsewhere).

Edward Herman & Noam Chomsky’s provide an approach to propaganda in their book Manufacturing Consent (1984). Their key argument is that the media’s primary function in society is to produce propaganda for U.S’s ruling interests and that such propaganda “manufactures consent” to policies, actions of the ruling class. Watch the following YouTube clip and identify […]