Explain how the Protagonist learns the concepts of “inverted entropy” through the Behavioral modeling process.

Writing Question In about 4 to 5 pages (Times new roman, 12, double spaced) answer the following questions based on the movie Tenet and connect the concepts of learning and decision making in Chapter 8 to the plot and characters of the movie. Explain how the Protagonist learns the concepts of “inverted entropy” through the […]

What is the Final Action Plot Point 3 climax and conclusion of the movie?

Movie Breakdown Pick a movie you are very familiar with ie: you have seen recently or several times, and answer the following questions. Try to be very concise, keeping your answers to just the most germane points of the answers. What is the title of the movie? What is the mashup (two movies smashed together […]

Which therapies/treatments would you use to ameliorate the protagonist in your private practice.

Case Study 1: Podcast Case File: Case 140 Richmond Hill https://casefilepodcast.com/case-140-richmond-hill… Question 1: Briefly summarize this movie/podcast. In your summation make sure to include its release date and any critique that you may have. Minimum 2 paragraphs. Question 2: Diagnosis of one of the protagonists. Make sure to indicate which one is being used in […]

What are some examples from the piece that will support your argument?

Essay 2 – Literary Analysis Assignment: For your second essay in this class, you will create and support an argumentabout a piece of literature. For this assignment, you will analyze either poetry or prose. Specifics: 3-4 pages, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font, Times New Roman When writing this essay, you’ll have more tools […]

What course themes do you see portrayed in the film (culturally responsive pedagogy, racism, classism, community cultural wealth, deficit or asset perspectives, etc.)

Film Critique For this assignment students will watch, analyze, and critique a movie or documentary that relates to urban education. If you would like to watch a movie not on the list, please let me know before you watch it. The guiding question for your analysis is: How do the representations in the movie reflect, contribute […]

How does the supernatural matter in this story? Give an example and analyze in detail.

1) What do you make of the protagonist? Draw on at least one detail from the story to analyze his character. Finally, why do you think the story wants to interest readers in this character? 2) How does the supernatural matter in this story? Give an example and analyze in detail. 3) Does anything tie […]

How does the protagonist change from the beginning of the novel to the end? Overall focus on the character, the narrating voice, it’s peculiarities, characteristics, and importance.

Describe the main protagonist in And the Earth Did Not Devour Him. What characteristics does he exhibit? What are his actions in the story? How does the protagonist change from the beginning of the novel to the end? Overall focus on the character, the narrating voice, it’s peculiarities, characteristics, and importance.

What, according to Orwell, does it mean to be human-How does the governing body in 1984 exploit certain tendencies, weaknesses and even strengths that human beings possess in order to, ironically, control and dehumanize humankind?

With a 1000 word essay with 3-4 body paragraphs (along with an introductory and concluding paragraph), respond to the prompt: In 1984, the protagonist, Winston, attempts to “stay human” in the face of a dehumanizing, totalitarian regime. What, according to Orwell, does it mean to be human? How does the governing body in 1984 exploit […]

Is Winston the novel’s hero, by Orwell’s definition-Is he a hero that readers can admire and emulate? Explain your position by tracing Winston’s actions throughout the novel and considering the results of those actions.

1984 Literary Essay: Winston Smith, Hero or Not? Respond to the following in the form of a short essay. Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs. George Orwell once offered this definition of Heroism: ordinary people doing whatever they can to change social systems that do not respect human decency, even with the […]

Did he hate Mozart or did he love Mozart ? Who or what really killed Mozart ?

Amadeus Critique Watch movie: Amadeus 1984 ‧ Drama/Musical ‧ 2h 40m Critique movie Write critique paper Using background story- Set up Point of attack- when story begins Turning Point- looking in another direction (it can be more than one turning point) Plot-what the story is about Climax- highest point in story Did he hate Mozart […]