How do these characters function within their respective stories? To what do they control their own lives?

It’s a compare and contrast essay. for the two stories A Rose for Emily and the Yellow Wallpaper. Compare and contrast the protagonist Emily and the unnamed wife . How do these characters function within their respective stories? To what do they control their own lives? the teacher has our resources to paste to the […]

How does the theocracy in Gilead explain and justify its patriarchal authoritarian control overpeople, and how does it put it into practice? How does it change the lives of women, such asOffred, who remember life before the theocracy?Discuss

Choose one of the following questions: • Unlike the earlier texts in our course, The Handmaid’s Tale is by a female writer and features afemale protagonist. How does this contribute to our understanding and broaden our perspectiveof literary representations of dystopia? • How does the theocracy in Gilead explain and justify its patriarchal authoritarian control […]

To what extent is the protagonist of the story you’ve chosen responsible for the conflict or predicament he or she faces?Explain

Description This essay of a minimum of 500 to a maximum of 700 words requires you to choose any one of the stories given below. Review the list of stories to identify which one you’d like to write about: • “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan You aren’t required to do any research for […]

Identify a theme specific to “The Story of an Hour.” Draft that theme in your own words.

Identify a theme specific to “The Story of an Hour.” Draft that theme in your own words. Then, identify a nineteenth century American movement from the list above that best corresponds with the theme you’ve drafted. Next, look at the poetry we’ve read and select one poem whose content either supports your chosen theme or […]

Explain your ideas clearly using direct evidence from the text and organize each response thoughtfully.

Choose one of the prompts from the list for each of your stories. In other words, use a different prompt for each story. Responding to the prompt, write a 250-word formal journal entry for each story. Explain your ideas clearly using direct evidence from the text and organize each response thoughtfully. Use the notes you […]

Describe the conflict and plot the main character or protagonist versus person, society, self, nature, machine, or supernatural.

❑Make your review lively and interesting to read (grab the reader’s attention at the beginning, use interesting statements, quotes, anecdotes, etc).❑Make a heading that includes main facts such as author, title, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, cost, etc.❑Include a description of the setting and main characters.❑Describe the conflict and plot (the main character […]

Analyse the formal treatment of femininity or masculinity in one or two of the films studied on the module.

Analyse the formal elements of Pull My Daisy and Little Stabs at Happiness that draw attention to the process of making the films. Analyse one or two films on the module that share techniques in common with other art practices (e.g. music, poetry, painting [abstraction expressionism]). You can make the comparison between film and just […]