What specific forms of non-verbal communication were observed and provide some specific examples?

Objective Verbal delivery is only a part of how a message is delivered and received. We communicate through more than just words. We also use hand gestures, facial expressions, posture, and body language which is referred to as nonverbal communication. Non-verbal communication complements the verbal messages we are delivering to our audience by adding to […]

How are eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture measured in the culture?

Assignment: Deliver a 5 to 7-minute informative speech during which you may use one 3×5 note card. You will identify and illustrate your awareness of non-verbal communication through the examination of a different culture. In order to complete this assignment, select a country other than the United States or your country of origin. Discuss the […]

Can you possible tell if there is any other emotion in their body language (happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, contempt)? What do you see?

Nonverbal Observation Assignment For this exercise, you are going to sit and observe speakers in a natural setting. What you will do is find a place and sit for 30-45 minutes and watch. You will observe three different conversations. Even if you do not hear what the speakers say, observe their bodies and attempt to […]

Discuss the channels through which nonverbal communication is sent, including: kinesics, paralanguage, proxemics, haptics, olfactics, physical appearance and dress, and chronemics.

Choose two of the four questions to answer in well planned essay form. The essays are each worth 25 points. This does not need to be APA format but include your name on the assignment, use topic and concluding sentences and use examples in your details. . Include both essays in one Word doc. (Does […]