What manner should Christians approach these “imprecatory psalms-Do they in some way contradict the “turn the other cheek” ethic taught by Jesus in the

Discussion Imprecatory Psalms Discussion Assignment Instructions Respond to the following prompts in 250 words each. For prompt you must support your assertions with at least three (3) scholarly citations in current Turabian format. Each reply should also incorporate scholarly citations if appropriate to the context. The discussion centered on After reading Psalms 35, 109, and […]

Compose three psalms of your own, one hymn of praise, one thanksgiving, and one lament for 15 points.

Paper detalis: Compose three psalms of your own, one hymn of praise, one thanksgiving, and one lament for 15 points. Write them according to the forms discussed in class. Label each psalm by form (praise, thanksgiving, lament) and label the form’s parts (e.g., lament: address, petition, etc.) in your psalm. You may make the psalms […]