What are their contrasting opinions in regard to prevalence and diagnosis of your identified problem?

For Milestone Two, you will submit a draft of Literature Review section of your final grant proposal. Providing examples relevant or similar to your organizational environment is imperative for those reviewing the grant to truly gain an experiential perspective of the grant. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your milestone assignment: II. […]

How this issue is connected to health outcomes for Indigenous Peoples

TRC CALLS TO ACTION 61 1. The history of the issue 2. How this issue is connected to health outcomes for Indigenous Peoples 3. What has occurred to date regarding this Call to Action 4. What work still needs to be done 5. A reflection regarding how this knowledge can/will impact your practice as a […]

Explain in your own words what is meant by the Law of Tort

Patient’s right and Law of Tort: ​Case study Sheila, who lives in Australia, came in January 2009 for a two-month visit to her daughter Ruth and her family in England. She had not seen them for three years. In February she went to the children’s playground, run by St John’s Church, with her six-year-old granddaughter […]

What are some differential diagnoses you would give – identify one medical differential diagnosis and two psychiatric differential diagnoses?

Case Study: Natalee Williams Directions Review the case study and then answer the questions that follow. Case Study Natalee Williams, a 10-year-old African American girl, comes to your psychiatric nurse practitioner office for evaluation. She has been sad and withdrawn, complaining about headaches and “tummy aches.” Her mother, Trina, accompanies her to the appointment. Trina […]

What is Jenny’s history? What are Jenny’s PTSD symptoms? How is Jenny coping with her symptoms?

1.) Read the monologue regarding patient Jenny Brown’s PTSD case study. Monologue: “Jenny is a patient in a short stay, emergency psychiatric facility. She voluntarily agreed to admission yesterday following an acute episode of agitation and anxiety that occurred after she was told that her ultrasound revealed that her fetus has a cleft lip and […]

Discuss the issues around physical and chemical restraint during transport, your decision regarding the best approach to take and how you will carry out the restraint.

You have been tasked to transport a 22 year old patient with newly diagnosed schizophrenia from a regional hospital to a secure psychiatric unit 500km away. The patient has been violent and has required sedation overnight. Describe how you would prepare for and carry out this mission including your rational for aircraft selection, crew configuration, […]

What example observations would be coping skills, defense mechanisms, communication styles, psych diagnosis with signs/symptoms family dysfunctions, and behaviors. How did it compare to your mental health learning experiences?Discuss

• After watching film, Infinitely Polar Bear (2015), describe what mental illness or illnesses were portrayed and if it was appropriate to the illness • Based on the accepted signs and symptoms of the condition. Analyze why you feel the changes were made or not made to the illness for purposes of the movie. Discuss how this […]

What medications or treatment would you expect the individual to be receiving based on the identified psychiatric condition observed?

Name of Movie: General summary of movie: Character description-describe primary character’s role & character development. Discuss how the disease effects the individual’s role/life. Discuss initial family dynamics, caregiver and/or family dynamic changes as a result of dealing with mental illness or addiction, struggles, shortcomings, strengths. How the disease effects the family. Psychiatric condition identified: Were […]

What is a G-protein-linked receptor? What is an ion channel? How do these differ from each other? Give an example of a neurotransmitter and a medication that act on a G-protein receptor and ion channel.

40 points Directions Address the following in a paper no longer than two double-spaced pages (not including the reference page) and in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based references. 1. Explain the differences between the four main actions a drug can have after binding to a receptor. Describe what an agonist, partial agonist, […]

What behaviors are associated with this neurotransmitter? What symptoms or behaviors are associated with this neurotransmitter when it is deficient and/or excessive?

Discussion 2.1: Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Information Resource Directions Create an informational PowerPoint about your assigned neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, Make it easy to read or listen to and understand. PLEASE USE COLORFUL GRAPHIC AND IMAGES RELATED TO MENTAL HEALTH. In your resources, answer the following questions and include two evidence-based sources. The two evidence base sources are “Stahl’s […]