Explain Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder

A 42-year-old man comes to his outpatient psychiatrist with complaints of a depressed mood, which he states is identical to depressions he has experienced previously. He was diagnosed with major depressive disorder for the first time 20 years ago. At that time, he was treated with imipramine, up to 150 mg/d, with good results. During […]

Identify what is mental disorder and how it comes about-Where do you see symptoms?

abnormal phychology Identify what is mental disorder and how it comes about. Where do you see symptoms? What is abnormal behavior? Professionals in Mental Health, what should they take into consideration when treating immigrants? 1 or 2 scenarios to identify the difference between ocd, maladaptive behavior and social anxiety disorder Neurotransmitters, identify where is Axon, […]

Do you agree with the premise of this op ed, that Jesus was the first psychiatrist? Explain and support your opinion.

Discussion : FICIP Read the news article assigned in this week’s FICIP and respond to the following: This op ed for Fox News opens with, “Recently, many people who have e-mailed me asking whether there are parallels between God’s teachings and the field of psychiatry and psychology.” What parallels do you see? The article states […]