Why are people physically aggressive towards each other (and why might males might be observed doing so more than females)?

Step 1: In this module, you learned about the main psychological domains and also covered some of the main perspectives in psychology. Think about some of the various perspectives you learned about (including psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, humanism, and the biological approach), and explain how an alien psychologist from another planet might explain the following […]

Given the variety of types of psychotherapy presented in the textbook, which would you provide?

Imagine that you are a mental health provider and are talking to someone on the phone who is wondering about your services and therapy in general. Given the variety of types of psychotherapy presented in the textbook, which would you provide? To make this decision, you will need to understand each type of therapy as […]

Discuss studying human subjects and what processes and safeguards you have to use to do no harm. How will you follow the proper procedures for studying human subjects and informing your subjects properly?

Describe the specific methodology you propose to complete your research – how you plan to do (conduct) your data collection, or how you will test your hypothesis(es), what kind of original research will you conduct? {This should be 1-2 pages; and if you plan a survey or questionnaire or interview then also provide some sample […]

Discuss How is the thought process or the unconscious accessed? The unconscious is assessed through. Think about assessment as “How are changes measured in this theory?”

THEORY OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (WHAT GOES WRONG) : How do disorders develop? THEORY OF BALANCED HEALTH (WHAT GOES RIGHT) : How are disorders avoided or resolved? ASSESSMENT METHOD : How is the thought process or the unconscious accessed? The unconscious is assessed through. Think about assessment as “How are changes measured in this theory?” * free […]