Describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction.

Wk3 synthesis Part 1: Research the sources of a substance abuse problem utilizing either Psychoanalytic, Behaviorist, or Social Control Theory to explain how one might acquire the characteristics which would eventually lead to a lifetime of addiction. Part 2: For your chosen source theory, create a prevention program using what you have learned from that […]

Describe how your undergraduate/graduate education has prepared you to succeed in a fast-paced, intensive graduate program.

Personal statement • Describe how your undergraduate/graduate education has prepared you to succeed in a fast-paced, intensive graduate program. Include a description of specific courses that have provided you with the background to apply scientific principles to the study of human behavior • Discuss why you think it is important to study human behavior from […]

Create at least three recommendations on how we can use these theories to reduce Juvenile crime in our society.

Unit 2 AS: Juvenile Crime Theories Write an APA, two-page paper, that addresses the following topics: Explain the choice theory.Explain the deterrence theory. Describe biochemical and neurological factors that affect delinquency. Describe the major arguments presented by psychoanalytic theory.Summarize the three major learning theories. Create at least three recommendations on how we can use these […]

What are the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing? Would you choose it? Why or why not?

Part 1: Which developmental theory best explains development (Example, Psychoanalytic, Erikson, Cognitive Systems, Piaget, etc.)? Provide an example. Part 2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing? Would you choose it? Why or why not? Part 3: Choose one of the following topics for your final paper and write a paragraph on your […]