Describe the four types of segmentation strategies (i.e., demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral). Explain which types of segmentation strategies are used in the advertisements and why.

Description Select one advertisement for a global product (i.e., a product that is marketed in more than one country). In this paper Describe the four types of segmentation strategies (i.e., demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral). Explain which types of segmentation strategies are used in the advertisements and why. Evaluate how effectively the advertisement utilizes creative […]

Identify two or more specific messages on the Wheaties packaging that positions the product for the target that you have identified. Explain the relevancy of these messages to the target.

Consider the segmentation methods of demographic, psychographic, benefits or behavioral, identify one possible target for Wheaties. Use the following segmentation study guide to help understand the breakfast cereal market . Correct answers will identify the target, the segmentation method, and provide a justification for your answer. Consider your above answer. Identify two or more specific […]

Discuss,Is it well defined using Andrews & Shimp’s (2018) suggestions: behavioral (past purchases), psychographic (needs, values, and attitudes), demographics (age, sex, income, and ethnicity), and geodemographics (where consumers reside)?

Reply to the attached students discussion board . The instructions for the reply is as follows: Review another class member’s target audience. Is it well defined using Andrews & Shimp’s (2018) suggestions: behavioral (past purchases), psychographic (needs, values, and attitudes), demographics (age, sex, income, and ethnicity), and geodemographics (where consumers reside)? Include one quote from […]