What recommendations would you make to employers concerned about drug use?

Question Write an “essay” about how an IO psychologist might approach, discuss, etc. drug use and/or drug use policies in the workforce. Step 1: Read this article about work related stressors and drug use. work stressor and drug use.pdf STEP 2: In your own words, write a summary of the reading. (About 4-5 sentences) STEP […]

What considerations would lead you to choose one method over another one?

1: Factors to Consider When Developing a Selection Program For this discussion, address the following: What is the value of having a formal selection program that includes selection measures (interviews, assessments, et cetera)? What factors will be important for you, as an aspiring I-O psychologist, to consider when developing a selection program? What does the […]

Discuss some of the unique challenges that are likely faced by forensic clinical psychologists working with individuals who are court mandated to assessment and/or treatment?

Discussion 8 Discuss some of the unique challenges that are likely faced by forensic clinical psychologists working with individuals who are court mandated to assessment and/or treatment? Specifically consider the relationship between psychologist and client, the interests of any other parties, and consider the role of the forensic psychologist in child custody evaluations.

How would you classify this profession-What does a psychologist do?

WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Topic: Research the field of psychology online. Use this as a starting point: What is Psychology? Locate information to answer the following questions: How would you classify this profession? What does a psychologist do? What areas of study make up the field? What types of disorders are in the field? Post a […]

What steps could you potentially take to mitigate the possibility of a Hawthorne effect assuming you wanted to study the example you described?

Choosing an Appropriate Research Design Question: In the case of undisguised naturalistic observation, the Hawthorne effect is a type of reactivity such that when people know they are being observed and studied, they may act differently than they normally would. Think of a real-world example of a situation where you have seen or would expect […]

How can the NP and psychologist maintain a trusting relationship with both Yasmine Kamal and her mother without violating confidentiality?

NUR – ethics case #2 responses Discussion Questions How did the NP and psychologist respect the patient’s confidentiality? Is discussion of the case with the medical director a breach of confidentiality? Why or why not? How can the NP and psychologist maintain a trusting relationship with both Yasmine Kamal and her mother without violating confidentiality? […]

What should a psychologist consider when trying to decide if a patient’s symptoms are normal or abnormal? What are the most important criterion in defining normal and abnormal behavior and is it more important to consider society or the individual? What assessments should a psychologist use to determine if a patient has a significant clinical disorder?Discuss

You are a clinical psychologist that has been asked by the government to provide a report on the modern conceptualization of psychological disorders and their treatment. In your report, you want to be sure to address the following questions: What should a psychologist consider when trying to decide if a patient’s symptoms are normal or […]

What is the role of the health psychologist in the management of a chronic illness?Discuss

Weekly Instructions: What is the role of the health psychologist in the management of a chronic illness? It first seems necessary to identify the nature of a “Chronic Illness”. Is there a difference between a chronic illness and a terminal disease? Would the role do the health psychologist change depending upon the perceived lethality of […]

Analyze the advertisement using the concepts of marketing and consumer segmentation, and discuss how it aligns to the organization’s mission.

Motivation is the inward drive we have to get what we need. In the mid-1900s, Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, developed the hierarchy of needs shown in Figure 3.4. 1. Select two advertisements and describe the needs identified by Abraham Maslow that each ad addresses. 2. Analyze the advertisement using the concepts of marketing and consumer segmentation, […]