Discuss Is the death of a child with a chronic illness more tragic than that of an adult? Why or why not? Give examples.

1. Is the death of a child with a chronic illness more tragic than that of an adult? Why or why not? Give examples. 2. What would you do and/or say to parents who had a child with a chronic illness who is dying? 3. Find a resource (e.g., book, article, toy, specialty) that can […]

Discuss Do you think that IQ tests, despite their biased origins, remain biased even today? Would you advocate for continuing/discontinuing the use of standardized tests (whose origins are closely linked to IQ tests) in admissions to college and graduate school?

Individual Reflection #2 Material covered: Chapters 2 and 3; Preschool in Three Cultures (documentary) 1. In Chapter 2, we discussed the origins of intelligence testing to reveal some of the ways in which they may be biased against racial minority groups, such as asking questions that require cultural knowledge. Drawing on course readings/lecture address the […]

Discuss What are some Gestalt experiments you would like to try in your sessions with her?

Answer the following questions. Discuss the case study from the theoretical orientation. Include in your response the following: View of human nature, Key concept(s) Technique(s) 1. Overall, what are your general impressions of Christina? Does she evoke any reactions in you? Knowing what you know of yourself and of Christina, how do you think she […]

Discuss Can personality be explained as the sum of a person’s learning experiences?

Topic: Compare and contrast Carl Rogers and BF Skinner’s theories of personality within the context of answering the following question: “Can personality be explained as the sum of a person’s learning experiences?” Paper details: When exploring the different viewpoints on personality, an interesting comparison is between theorists like B. F. Skinner, who based their ideas […]

Discuss Based on your reading and class discussions about essays 1-4, use your critical thinking and analytical skills to demonstrate a written understanding of the fact that race, class and gender shape the experiences of all people living in the United States.

Directions: • Based on your reading and class discussions about essays 1-4, use your critical thinking and analytical skills to demonstrate a written understanding of the fact that race, class and gender shape the experiences of all people living in the United States. • Read each synopsis of the essays presented before you attempt to […]

Describe the Effects of ballroom dancing on depression in aging adults” based on attached studies.

Research proposal on topic “Effects of ballroom dancing on depression in aging adults” based on attached studies. APA format , In-text Citations. * Need one page OUTLINE of the paper with variables ,thesis ,hypothesis , introduction, methods ,results and discussion. Research proposal *Introduction 2 pages with 5 Citations from attached PDF studies. Identify variables ,thesis […]

Discuss What percent of people who have an emotional support animal suffer from anxiety?

Readings page. (2 pts.) Descriptive – comparative: What percent of people who have an emotional support animal suffer from anxiety? Casual-Comparative: Does having an emotional support animal decrease anxiety levels more than not having an emotional support animal?

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the study (usually found in the discussion section of the article).

Begin with a well-written introduction to the article that: Analyzes the article and identifies the professional area of psychology it represents Assesses the roles of psychology professionals within this area and describes whether or not the article clearly and correctly represents these roles. Evaluate the theoretical perspective on which the study is based Detail the […]

1.Psychologicalabnormalitymayincludeconcernswithconceptssuchasdeviance,distress, dysfunction, and danger. First, briefly explain what each term means from your perspective in the context of psychopathology. Then, for each term, provide a specific example of when it (e.g., distress) would be considered “normal” and, separately, an example of when it would be considered “abnormal.” Finally, explain why it is important to understand this distinction. 2.YournephewistakingIntrotoPsychasahighschoolseniorandisconfusedaboutwhichof the theoretical models is “best” at explaining abnormality. Describe for him, in no more than 100 words per model and using terms he (as a layperson) can understand, at least three models of abnormality. Then, briefly answer his question –which model do you think is best and why? Be sure to support your answerwith reference material.3.Answer both parts of this question. Imagine you are an intake clinician at a community mental health clinic: a. Ifyouhad30minutestoconductapreliminaryclinicalinterview,whatinformationwould you be sure to try to get, and why? Be sure to support your answer using the reading materials in the course. b. You’vebeentaskedtogivealecturetonewclientsexplainingtheformatandmajor characteristics of DSM-5. What are the main points you want to be sure to cover? 4.ForEACHofthefollowingdisorders,characterizethreespecificfactorsyoubelievearemost important for a basic understanding of them. Be sure to justify your choices using only about 100-150 words for each: 1.GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder 2.PanicDisorder 3.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 4.Post-TraumaticStressDisorder 5.SomaticSymptomDisorder 6.Major Depressive Disorder 7.BipolarDisorder 5.Discussthevariablesfoundintheresearchthathavebeenfoundtocorrelatewithan increased risk for suicidal ideation, attempts and completion. What types of psychopathology have been associated with an increased risk for suicide? Why might that be the case?

1.Psychologicalabnormalitymayincludeconcernswithconceptssuchasdeviance,distress, dysfunction, and danger. First, briefly explain what each term means from your perspective in the context of psychopathology. Then, for each term, provide a specific example of when it (e.g., distress) would be considered “normal” and, separately, an example of when it would be considered “abnormal.” Finally, explain why it is important to understand […]

Select one of the Five-Factors and discuss how this factor relates to an open attitude toward diversity as related to Costa and McCrae’s Five-Factor Model of Personality?

Each essay will review a different topic from the text and will also link each topic with Scripture. Each essay should have a word count of at least 500 words. Using the Jerry Falwell Library, select three full-text, scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal articles that directly relate to the topic for each essay. The textbook may be […]