How robust is the moral verdict issued by the code(s)?

Case Study 1: Millions of Facebook profiles secretly harvested for data by Cambridge Analytica Read the case then answer the questions below: Between 2014 and the 2016 U.S. election, Cambridge Analytica, a big data political consulting firm chaired by Alexander Nix, was founded by Donald Trump’s future campaign strategist, Steve Bannon, who acted as vice […]

How would you use assessments/testing/psychometrics for career development in the field of Human Resources Employee Labor Relations within the Federal Government.

Response to Instructor provide a reply to the following Instructor question: How would you use assessments/testing/psychometrics for career development in the field of Human Resources Employee Labor Relations within the Federal Government.

What do you see going on diagnostically? Is there any further assessment you feel is needed before making a diagnosis? If so, what (be specific and include psychometrics if using an assessment tool).

Description FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY AND NO ABSTRACT AND IT CANNOT BE LATE – TEXT ME IF THERE IS A PROBLEM The case you will be using to do this is attached labeled “Practicum – career disability case) USE THE DSM AND PUT IN CODES Please number your main post sections as below and include […]