Provide a critical analysis of punishment and sentencing approaches to serial killers.Analyze the connection between psychopathy and violence.

Week #02 The Psychopathology of Serial Killers Provide a critical analysis of the connection between psychopathy and violence. In your answer, you should reflect on psychopathy, psychopathology, and their connection to violent crime (and especially serial killing). Week #03 Serial Killers and the Criminal Law Provide a critical analysis of how serial killing differs from […]

Draw on theories and empirical evidence to critically discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour.

Description Draw on theories and empirical evidence to critically discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour. -describe the relationship. (psychopaths engage in more violence and more likely to offend. draw on evidence) – use evidence/theories and empirical evidence to discuss the relationship between psychopathy and criminal behaviour. -introduction; give an overall base of what […]