Explain the similarities and differences between the 3 Ps

Option 1 According to the famous psychoanalyst Freud, children go through a series of psychosexual stages that lead to the development of the adult personality. His theory described how personality developed over the course of childhood.  Describe these 5 stages. Option 2 Explain the similarities and differences between the 3 Ps: psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, and psychiatrist.  Include […]

Describe which of Erikson’s stages of development you are currentlyin and how you are currently managing the conflict. Humanistic/Positive.

Choose a Freudian or neo-Freudian theory from Modules Two or Three, and write about how the theoretical approach and key concepts of the theory apply to your personality. Choose one theory from the humanistic or positive theories discussed in Module Four and describe how the theoretical approach and key concepts of the theory help explain […]

Identify and explain two defence mechanisms that some individuals may be using to cope with the changes which resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic.

a) With reference to Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual theory, explain how children’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic may influence their personality development. (Do not exceed 2 pages, l.5 spacing). [10 marks] b) Illustrate with examples, the conflicting roles that the id, ego and superego may play regarding the adherence to COVID-19 protocols. (Do not exceed 1 […]

Select one of the perspectives identified in the Theoretical Perspectives to Understand Human Development document and identify one theory (Freud’s Psychosexual Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, etc.) that you would like to explore more.Explain the theory you selected providing a well-developed overview. In addition, research one peer-reviewed article from your selected theoretical perspective.

Select one of the perspectives identified in the Theoretical Perspectives to Understand Human Development document and identify one theory (Freud’s Psychosexual Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, etc.) that you would like to explore more. Explain the theory you selected providing a well-developed overview. In addition, research one peer-reviewed article from your selected theoretical perspective. Summarize the […]