Develop a basic timeline using a Gantt or PERT chart. Note: Microsoft Excel provides templates that you can use.

Topic: PUBH 4030: Planning Public Health Programs Final Course Project Submission (8 – 12 pages total, not including cover page or references) Begin with an Executive Summary of your whole project and a Conclusion statement (3 – 4 paragraphs) Collate the components from Weeks 2, 3 and 4 with corrections to items noted by the […]

What is the distinction between privacy and confidentiality? How much weight should they have when information about individuals could protect other individuals or public health?

504 Week 2 discussion From a public health view: What is the distinction between privacy and confidentiality? How much weight should they have when information about individuals could protect other individuals or public health?

What possible solutions, interventions-actions can you take to deal with the situation?

Program plan Context of program plan (Chapters 2, 3, & 4) State the public health problem Identify the needs in relation to public health Complete a situational Assessment: 1. What is the situation? 2. What is making the situation better or worse? 3. What possible solutions, interventions and actions can you take to deal with […]

What are some policies that the government can implement to reduce the unhealthful practices of food industries?

Public Health The current food system can be considered detrimental to the environment and to the health of people. This has resulted in more people getting involved in movements, such as going vegan, avoiding big brand products, and boycotting harmful industries and companies. Do you think these boycotts are effective? Why or why not? Have […]

What might be some benefits to learning about public health in a formal educational setting before college-What are some ways that you interact with public health issues-policy on a regular basis?

Public Health The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) defines public health as “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals.” How do you define public health in your own words? In your personal […]

What type of advanced planning could have potentially affected the impact of Covid on both individuals and communities? Be specific.

Quarantine is sometimes used to contain or minimize exposure to potential infectious disease outbreaks. Self-Quarantine has been a common public health recommendation throughout the Covid pandemic. Such mechanisms can be both legally and morally controversial. Consider the following questions in your assignment response: What are the “pro” arguments for implementing quarantine and/or self-quarantine measures? What […]

Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.

Description Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community. Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.” Interview a community health and public health provider regarding that person’s role and experiences within the community. Interview Guidelines Interviews can take […]

Freedom Ends Where Public Health Begins Discuss

Topic: Freedom Ends Where Public Health Begins This should be discussed with references been made to vaccination as that is one great base of the topic. Also please include things about ethics and some ethics principles, such as, Utilitarianism, Deontological and Kant’s ethics. Lastly, I was thinking about these themes or subheadings; Vaccination and Liberalism, […]

Discuss the situation now and say how public health organisations have dealt with this situation – what are they doing?​

Description 2400 word essay Identifying and critically evaluating a public health concern considering how this has changed over the years; debating the similarities and differences in how the issue is addressed in the UK compared to the global picture (LO’s3+4)​ An introduction – concept (what is a PH concern?) and examples of public health concerns […]