Reflect on the characteristics of a problem with the public health issue you have selected. The public health topic focus should be a modifiable risk factor over a specific period. Describe the problem that relates to your chosen topic and discuss the characteristics of this problem. What needs were identified to determine the need for a public health intervention?

Reflect on the characteristics of a problem with the public health issue you have selected. The public health topic focus should be a modifiable risk factor over a specific period. Describe the problem that relates to your chosen topic and discuss the characteristics of this problem. What needs were identified to determine the need for […]

Discuss the challenges of applying a multidimensional perspective to a focused public health problem. Describe the ways in which these challenges can be reduced or eliminated.

Discuss the challenges of applying a multidimensional perspective to a focused public health problem. Describe the ways in which these challenges can be reduced or eliminated.

What issue are you especially passionate about and would love to see change? What issue would you be willing to devote your life to out of great depths of love?Discuss

For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic. This unit has been about love, so this assignment will involve the same. What issue are […]

Discuss What strategies should be used to build better police community relationships, based on the data?

• Delineate the data collection instruments that were used in the six research articles on Police and Community Relationships. • From the “gaps” that you discovered in the research from Topic 6, create one research question. • Describe which research methodology should be used to better understand the issue you have chosen to study. • […]

Discuss what changes can be implemented by police agencies in order to continue its mission of service to the public and regain the public trust.

Description The current public view of policing is one of distrust. In this research paper, discuss what changes can be implemented by police agencies in order to continue its mission of service to the public and regain the public trust.

Identify and describe the current climate of sexual violence and the increase in awareness of its prevalence and under-reporting

Description PLEASE FOLLOW THE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, ALSO THIS IS A UK ESSAY! Sexual violence is known to be widely under-reported in the UK. Discuss why this is the case, drawing upon the social context and normalisation of sexual violence, perceptions of the police as an organisation and the structure of the criminal justice system. […]

Discuss what is an important public health issue related to injustice?

what is an important public health issue related to injustice? For this assignment choose an issue in public health for exploration. You may select your issue from parts II and III of Levy and Sidel’s Social Injustice where you may focus on a specific population or a specific aspect of public health. Your assignment will […]

Create a public syllabus modeled on the “Trump Syllabus 2.0” discussed in class.

In this assignment, your goal is to create a public syllabus modeled on the “Trump Syllabus 2.0” discussed in class. The entirety of this project should be published and openly viewable online. Exactly where you choose to publish it–via WordPress, for instance, or Wix–is up to you. Reflective Letter Component You will also upload a […]